June 16, 2022 – 5 minute read

In 1996, Bill Gates coined the phrase “Content is King.” Since then, it’s been 25 years, but many digital marketing experts still believe that content is king. Does content still reign the digital marketing world?
Content definitely reigns as king in 2022. It will continue playing an important role in internet marketing in 2022 and beyond. When they search the web, watch YouTube videos, or check out social media feeds, people look for content. Whether it’s an article, product description, or a blog post that you share online, your content should be searchable to bring you the maximum benefit. Every content creator wants his next viral piece ahead of the curve, featuring an eye-catching headline and funneling traffic toward the sale.
Content is the king of the digital marketing world for many reasons:
- Original, high-quality content regularly published on a brand’s website can offer a huge impact on SEO and the site’s ranking in search engines. Unique content should feature relevant keywords to help a website rank organically for more search terms. It should also include internal links to other pieces of relevant content.
- Great content that encourages user engagement is king. If the content you share on your blog or social media channels is really great, visitors will stop by to consume it, understand the message, comment, and share. If it doesn’t evoke any emotions, the content becomes useless.
- Content that helps brands create value and authority has the potential to gain new leads and increase sales for your company. At the same time, great content is less sales-oriented and more informative. It encourages people to engage with the brand rather than push sales.
Content is more than just a written piece. It also includes video, social media, virtual reality, podcasts, and everything else that people can read, listen to, or interact with. Great content is also used for link-building. That is why different types of pieces create “linkable assets” that make it easier to build links naturally because of the content’s value.
If you use only written content to bring more visitors to your site and promote your brand in search engines, it may be time to expand your horizons. If you need professional advice on building a successful content marketing strategy, the Atypical Design team is willing to help!